Three-Dimensional Tubal Ultrasound Scanning-Hydrosalpingography
The 3-dimensional tubal ultrasound exams the fallopian tube patency. Inside the fallopian tubes, the female egg meets the sperm to form a baby. It’s important that your fallopian tubes are open, because a blockage can prevent pregnancy. The fallopian tubes can be blocked after pelvic infection or surgery.
Hydrosalpingography is a simple, minimally invasive procedure that is well tolerated by patients and has very few complications. It involves the insertion of the transducer into the vagina after you empty your bladder. Using a small tube inserted into the vagina and womb, we will inject a small amount of sterile contrast into the cavity of the uterus and study the lining of the uterus using the ultrasound transducer.
- The examination is non-invasive and painless.
- Ultrasound is widely available, easy-to-use and less expensive than other imaging methods.
- Ultrasound is extremely safe and does not utilize any ionizing radiation.
- Hydrosonosalpingography gives a clear picture of soft tissues that do not show up well on x-ray images.
- Hydrosonosalpingography is a relatively short procedure that provides an excellent view of the uterus and endometrial lining.
- Many uterine abnormalities that may not be seen adequately with routine transvaginal ultrasound may be viewed in detail with hydrosonosalpingography.
- Hydrosonosalpingography can prevent unnecessary surgery and it can ensure that all polyps and fibroids are removed at surgery.
The 3-dimensional tubal ultrasound provides accurate information about the condition of the fallopian tubes and the cavity of your uterus for any problems that may affect a future pregnancy.
There is a small risk of pelvic infection associated to this examination. You may be prescribed antibiotics before or after the test to eliminate that risk of infection. You may also experience pelvic pain during the examination (such as a mild menstruation pain). You may need a painkiller before or after the test to reduce the pain. At the end of this examination, you may have a slight bleeding that will cease in a day or two.
There is a small possibility of non-diagnostic images. If this happens, you may need additional tests.
The alternative examination to hydrosonosalpingography is X-ray salpingography. This test includes X-rays and tends to be replaced by the 3-dimensional tubal ultrasound examination. Fallopian tubes can also be evaluated by surgery called laparoscopy, which involves general anesthesia. This examination is performed in case of severe pelvic pain or unclear X-rays images.
On the first day of your menstrual period, call +30 210 6468880 between 5.00pm and 8.00pm to book your appointment. Please call on Monday if the first day your menstruation is on weekend. The examination can be performed 7 to 10 days after the 1st day of menstruation.
Once your appointment is booked, please use precautions in case of sexual contact until the examination is performed. You can eat or drink anything you wish before and after the exam. As mentioned above, you may have a slight vaginal bleeding after the exam and you may want to use a sanitary towel.
Dr. GrigoriosDerdelis Gynecologist/Obstetrician will perform your examination.
You can return home immediately after the examination. You can perform your daily activities and continue your sexual activity as usual.
Pelvic Ultrasound
Pelvic ultrasound is a non-invasive procedure used to evaluate organs and structures within the female pelvis. A pelvic ultrasound allows for a quick view of the female organs and structures of the pelvis including the uterus, cervix, vagina, fallopian tubes and ovaries.
The ultrasound uses a transducer that sends an ultrasound wave at a very high frequency. When the transducer is positioned at specific angles and positions, waves penetrate the skin and other tissues of the body and reach the target organs. The waves bounce on the organs like an echo and return to the transducer. The transducer captures the reflected waves and converts them into an electronic image.
Different types of tissues affect the speed at which sound waves travel. The sound travels faster through the bone tissue and slower through the air. The speed at which the sound waves return to the transducer, as well as the amount of sound waves that return, are translated by the transducer as different types of tissue. A gel is placed between the transducer and the skin to allow smooth movement over and to eliminate the air between the skin and the transducer for better sound transmission.
Blood flow can also be assessed during the procedure. The Doppler transducer evaluates the speed and direction of blood flow through the blood vessels by converting sound waves into color images. The degree of intensity of the sound waves perceived indicates the degree of blood flow to the blood vessels. The absence or minimal signal of these sounds may indicate an obstruction to blood flow.
The ultrasound can be done in two ways:
- Transabdominal (through the abdomen): A warm gel will be spread on the lower belly. This improves the transmission of the sound waves. The hand-held transducer is pressed against the belly and gently moved back and forth. A picture of the organs can be seen on a monitor.
- Transvaginal (through the vagina): The tip of a thin, lubricated transducer probe is gently inserted into your vagina. The transducer may be moved around to get a complete view. The images from the test are shown on a video monitor.
Endometrium. The inner surface of the uterus.
Uterus. The uterus is a concave, pear-shaped organ located in the lower abdomen between the bladder and the anus. Its inner surface falls off every month during menstruation, unless a fertilized egg is implanted and conceived.
Ovaries. The two female reproductive organs are found in the basin in which the eggs are developed and stored and where the female hormones estrogen and progesterone are produced.
Cervix. The lower, narrow part of the uterus lies between the bladder and the anus, forming a canal that opens into the vagina, leading to the outside of the body.
Vagina. The passage through which fluid passes out of the body during periods. The vagina connects her cervix and vulva.
Vulva. The outer part of the female genitals.
A pelvic ultrasound examination helps to measure and evaluate the female pelvic organs, such as:
- The size, shape and position of the uterus and ovaries.
- Thickness, echogenicity (darkness or brightness of the image associated with tissue density), and presence of fluid or masses in the endometrium, myometrium, fallopian tubes, ovaries, or near the bladder.
- Cervical length and density.
- Changes in the shape of the ovaries.
- Blood flow through the pelvic organs.
Pelvic ultrasound can provide a great deal of information about the size, location and structure of pelvic organs and helps to detect:
- Abnormalities in the anatomical structure of the uterus, including endometrial abnormalities.
- Fibroids , masses, cysts and other tumors in the pelvis.
- Position of a spiral.
- Pelvic inflammatory disease and other types of inflammation or infections.
- Post-menopausal bleeding.
- Ovarian size monitoring for infertility assessment.
- Suction of cyst and ovarian fluid for IVF.
- Ectopic pregnancies (pregnancy occurring outside the womb, usually in the fallopian tubes).
- The development of the fetus during pregnancy.
- Various fetal conditions.
The ultrasound can also be used to assist when other procedures are needed such as intrauterine biopsy.
No radiation is used and there is generally no possibility of discomfort from using the transducer on the skin during a transabdominal ultrasound examination. You may experience slight discomfort during the insertion of the transducer probe into the vagina.
The ultrasound probe needs to be covered with a condom and lubricating gel, and then inserted it into your vagina. Make sure your doctor is aware of any latex allergies you have so that a latex-free cover is used.
During transabdominal ultrasound, you may experience discomfort from the bladder filling or from your position in the examination bed.
There may be risks associated with your particular health condition. You should discuss any concerns you have with your doctor before the procedure.
Specific factors or conditions may affect the results of the tests. These include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Serious obesity
- Barium in the intestines by a recent procedure.
- Intestinal gases
- Insufficient filling of the bladder (in transabdominal ultrasound). The full bladder is necessary to adequately visualize pelvic structures transabdominally.
- The doctor will explain the procedure to you.
- Please tell your doctor if you are sensitive or allergic to latex.
- There is generally no need for anesthesia to perform a pelvic ultrasound unless the ultrasound is part of another procedure in which anesthesia is required.
- Although the gel used in the procedure does not stain the clothes. There is a chance that the gel may not be completely removed from your skin after the procedure is completed.
- To perform a transabdominal ultrasound, you will be asked to consume several glasses of water or other liquid one or two hours before the procedure. Do not empty your bladder until the procedure is completed.
- In order to have a transvaginal ultrasound, you will be asked to empty your bladder just before the procedure.
A pelvic ultrasound can be performed in our clinic. The procedure is as follows:
For transabdominal ultrasound:
- You might be asked to take off your clothes and to cover yourself with a piece of cloth.
- You will lie with your back on the exam bed.
- A warm gel will be applied to the area of your abdomen.
- The transducer will be pressed onto your skin and moved around the test area.
- If your blood flow is assessed, you may hear a sound while using the Doppler.
- Pictures of the pelvic organs will appear on the computer screen. Images will be copied to various media to create medical health records.
- After the procedure is completed, the gel will be removed.
- You will be able to empty your bladder when the procedure is over.
For transvaginal ultrasound:
- If you are asked to take off your clothes and cover yourself with a piece of cloth.
- You will lie on the exam bed, with your feet supported as during a pelvic exam.
- Before insertion, the probe will be covered with a condom and lubricating gel (to make it as comfortable as possible). This can cause you some discomfort.
- The transducer probe will be rotated gently and you may feel a little pressure as it moves.
- If your blood flow is assessed, you may hear a sound while using the Doppler.
- Once it is inside you, the probe sends out sound waves that bounce off of structures in your body and transmits the waves to a computer, which creates pictures. These pictures will appear on the computer screen. Images will be copied to various media to create medical health records.
- The transducer will be removed as soon as the process is completed.
No care is required after ultrasound. You can continue your diet and daily activities normally unless your doctor recommends something different.
The content of this site is provided for information purposes only and was not designed to diagnose or treat health problems or illnesses and does not replace professional medical advice you may receive from your doctor.