
Hysterosalpingography/salpingography, more specifically ultrasound-tubing – HyCoSy or HyFoSy: a special test in which, using the appropriate contrast material, the uterus and fallopian tubes are “visualized”. This identifies whether the fallopian tubes are patent. HyCoSy has minimal pain and no radiation compared to classic salpingography. Partners are welcome during and after the examination of the patient. More information on HyCoSy can be found at or at or on our Facebook page. It would be our pleasure to provide more information in person or by telephone.

Three-Dimensional Tubal Ultrasound Scanning-Hydrosalpingography

The 3-dimensional tubal ultrasound exams the fallopian tube patency. Inside the fallopian tubes, the female egg meets the sperm to form a baby. It’s important that your fallopian tubes are open, because a blockage can prevent pregnancy. The fallopian tubes can be blocked after pelvic infection or surgery.

Hydrosalpingography is a simple, minimally invasive procedure that is well tolerated by patients and has very few complications. It involves the insertion of the transducer into the vagina after you empty your bladder. Using a small tube inserted into the vagina and womb, we will inject a small amount of sterile contrast into the cavity of the uterus and study the lining of the uterus using the ultrasound transducer.

  • The examination is non-invasive and painless.
  • Ultrasound is widely available, easy-to-use and less expensive than other imaging methods.
  • Ultrasound is extremely safe and does not utilize any ionizing radiation.
  • Hydrosonosalpingography gives a clear picture of soft tissues that do not show up well on x-ray images.
  • Hydrosonosalpingography is a relatively short procedure that provides an excellent view of the uterus and endometrial lining.
  • Many uterine abnormalities that may not be seen adequately with routine transvaginal ultrasound may be viewed in detail with hydrosonosalpingography.
  • Hydrosonosalpingography can prevent unnecessary surgery and it can ensure that all polyps and fibroids are removed at surgery.

The 3-dimensional tubal ultrasound provides accurate information about the condition of the fallopian tubes and the cavity of your uterus for any problems that may affect a future pregnancy.

There is a small risk of pelvic infection associated to this examination. You may be prescribed antibiotics before or after the test to eliminate that risk of infection. You may also experience pelvic pain during the examination (such as a mild menstruation pain). You may need a painkiller before or after the test to reduce the pain. At the end of this examination, you may have a slight bleeding that will cease in a day or two.

There is a small possibility of non-diagnostic images. If this happens, you may need additional tests.


The alternative examination to hydrosonosalpingography is X-ray salpingography. This test includes X-rays and tends to be replaced by the 3-dimensional tubal ultrasound examination. Fallopian tubes can also be evaluated by surgery called laparoscopy, which involves general anesthesia. This examination is performed in case of severe pelvic pain or unclear X-rays images.

On the first day of your menstrual period, call +30 210 6468880 between 5.00pm and 8.00pm to book your appointment. Please call on Monday if the first day your menstruation is on weekend. The examination can be performed 7 to 10 days after the 1st day of menstruation.
Once your appointment is booked, please use precautions in case of sexual contact until the examination is performed. You can eat or drink anything you wish before and after the exam. As mentioned above, you may have a slight vaginal bleeding after the exam and you may want to use a sanitary towel.


Dr. GrigoriosDerdelis Gynecologist/Obstetrician will perform your examination.

You can return home immediately after the examination. You can perform your daily activities and continue your sexual activity as usual.